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Summary of VibroSculpt by Endosphères

Procedure time

45 minutes - 1.5 hours

Back to work






Duration of results

Maintenance courses may be required


Course of 12 recommended*

What is VibroSculpt by Endosphères?

Cellulite can affect both men and women, although most commonly in females due to there being less supportive connective tissue. As we are always at the forefront of the latest technologies, EF MEDISPA is offering the most cutting-edge cellulite treatment to help tackle various types and stages of cellulite with VibroSculpt by Endosphères London.

The VibroSculpt by Endosphères London treatment can offer incredible results due to its patented and FDA registered technology. Cleverly combining both micro-vibration and micro-compression technology, Vibrosculpt triggers fat cells to break down. The treatment uses multiple rotating spheres, causing a pulsating effect that helps to contour the treated areas of your body. Vibrosculpt by Endosphères therapy can help to improve your overall circulation and oxygenation, as well as increase the production of collagen and elastine that will provide long-term benefits.

VibroSculpt by Endosphères can also enhance the body’s function of the lymphatic system, helping to naturally detoxify the body, eliminating cellulite and fat completely whilst toning the targeted areas. Thanks to the encouraged production of collagen, your skin will be left feeling revived and thoroughly nourished too. Results from Vibrosculpt by Endosphères London treatment can be visible from just one treatment, but we recommend a course of twelve Vibrosculpt treatments for the most optimal results for you.

What is  VibroSculpt by Endosphères

Bespoke Treatment Made Just For You

All treatments are tailored to the individual and personal experiences and results may vary. We recommend a one to one consultation with our Treatment Coordinators to discuss your treatment options.

Vibrosculpt London at EF Medispa

What types of concerns can VibroSculpt by Endosphères address?

VibroSculpt by Endosphères London is an effective form of treatment that will combat any type of cellulite present on your body. Cellulite comes in three different types – Aqueous Cellulite, Adipose Cellulite and Fibrous Cellulite – VibroSculpt can be used to tackle all three forms. Cellulite will manifest itself in four different stages, regardless of the type. Stages are measured as:

Grade 0 – No dimpling

Grade 1 – Dimpling when pinched

Grade 2 – Visible dimpling when standing

Grade 3 – Visible dimpling when standing and lying

Whatever the grade or stage your cellulite is at – VibroSculpt by Endosphères therapy can tackle the uneven, orange-skin appearance that will leave you with much smoother and more refined skin.

Which areas can be treated with Vibrosculpt by Endosphères London treatment?

Some of the most common areas that can be treated with VibroSculpt by Endosphères are your legs, glutes and your abdomen. This advanced body toning treatment will also help to tackle any stubborn cellulite on your back, neck and arms. We recommend that you speak to our highly experienced Treatment Coordinators today to discuss in detail which areas are suitable to be treated with VibroSculpt by Endosphères therapy.

Vibrosculpt London

Why have Vibrosculpt by Endosphères at EF Medispa?

At EF MEDISPA we pride ourselves on offering our clients the latest, revolutionary cellulite treatments, all of which are safe and effective. Our highly trained staff ensure the most effective treatment is carried out for your individual concerns or requirements. They will carefully listen to your concerns, assessing the areas you wish to treat and devise the most bespoke cellulite treatment plan to ensure you get maximum results.

Our focus will always remain on your safety, ensuring you always feel well-informed and comfortable about your treatment. Our welcoming clinic provides a private, safe and sterile environment where you can relax and enjoy your time with us, whilst being looked after by our exceptional team.

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EF Medispa clinic room

Step by step VibroSculpt by Endosphères

  1. No obligation consultation

    Firstly, you will have a complimentary consultation with one of our highly experienced Treatment Coordinators. They will take your full medical history, answer all your questions about the treatment, ensure you are fully informed of the process and assess whether you would be a suitable candidate.

  2. Meet your practitioner

    During your initial meeting with your Therapist, they will assess the areas you wish to treat, discuss how they will be performing the treatment and again, give you answers to any questions you may have regarding the treatment.

  3. During treatment

    Your Therapist will run a handheld device over the areas you wish to treat, stimulating the lymphatic flow and toning the body. Most clients describe the experience as a deep tissue vigorous massage. Usually, the treatment lasts from 45 minutes up to 1.5 hours, depending on the areas you wish to treat.

  4. After treatment

    VibroSculpt by Endosphères is a non-invasive treatment that involves no downtime and you are ready to resume your normal daily activities once you leave the clinic. Our highly experienced therapists will apply Effusion Twice a Day Active Cellulite Cream immediately after the treatment. Twice a Day is a light, easily absorbed cellulite cream specifically designed to boost the circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system to further enhance the results of your treatment. They will also advise you to drink a lot of water to assist your lymphatic system to naturally release any trapped toxins from your body to further optimise your results.

VibroSculpt by Endosphères in London FAQs

Can I have VibroSculpt by Endosphères treatment during summer?

There are no contraindications regarding the season you can have VibroSculpt by Endosphères, it can be carried out at any season of the year.

I am following a healthy diet and have a regular exercise regimen, but I still can’t get rid of my cellulite, can VibroSculpt by Endosphères help?

VibroSculpt by Endosphères is harnessing the most cutting-edge technology to reduce even the most challenging types of cellulite, smoothing out the unsightly skin dimples and helping to significantly tone your body.

Can I have VibroSculpt by Endosphères to treat water retention in my ankles?

Yes, VibroSculpt by Endosphères is an advanced treatment that can help to treat every part of the body. This treatment has been proven to enhance the flow of the lymphatic system in order to tackle water retention, even in challenging areas such as the ankles.


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I'm completely thrilled with the result. I look, I think, subtly better and completely natural. Not years younger, but fresher, brighter and more cheerful. As promised, my jawline is tighter, my cheeks firmer, my brows more elegantly arched and even my thinning upper lip looks fuller and more upturned. Within a couple of weeks of living with my new face, it felt completely mine.

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Temporal Lift

The fantastic team at the King’s Road clinic put my slight apprehension at immediate ease. They were professional, knowledgeable and provided a seamless approach to my treatment (Volite HA Boost), checking that I was comfortable throughout. Twenty minutes later and pleasing results were already visible… I’m looking forward to seeing further improvements!

Elizabeth Lee

Volite HA Boost

The Zone Out treatment was fantastic, it relaxed my mind and body, clearing my head of all that “London” stress … Victoria, the Hydrotherapist was incredibly knowledgeable and informative; above all making me feel at ease …I can’t wait to come back again!

Jennifer Burton

Zone Out Colonic Hydrotherapy

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