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Summary of Lipotripsy Cellulite Treatment

Procedure time

30-60 minutes

Back to work






Duration of results

Maintenance courses may be required


Course of 8-10 recommended*

What is Lipotripsy London Treatment?

Cellulite is one of the most common body concerns, especially for women, and can be extremely hard to tackle. EF MEDISPA, always on the forefront of the latest body treatments in the industry, is offering the revolutionary Lipotripsy London treatment to help reduce the appearance of the orange peel skin.

Formerly known as AWT, Lipotripsy, is a non-invasive fat reduction and body toning treatment that can help to smooth out all types of cellulite. This advanced body treatment harnesses the power of radial wave technology to break down fat cells and lymphatic drainage to help eliminate them naturally from the body.

The treatment usually lasts around 30-60 minutes and most of our clients describe the experience as a vigorous massage. There is no downtime involved and you can resume to normal activities immediately after the treatment.

What is Lipotripsy London Treatment - EF MEDISPA

What types of concerns can Lipotripsy London treatment address?

Lipotripsy can be an amazing non-invasive treatment to contour stubborn areas of fat. Radial waves can force the fat cells to become permeable and can also trigger the production of new collagen. The treatment can also help to enhance microcirculation and lymphatic flow, enabling the natural elimination of the broken-down fat cells and piled up toxins from the body. As a result, it can work great not only to reduce fat and cellulite but also to smooth out, tone and tighten the skin.

Bespoke Treatment Made Just For You

All treatments are tailored to the individual and personal experiences and results may vary. We recommend a one to one consultation with our Treatment Coordinators to discuss your treatment options.

Lipotripsy Treatment London

What areas can be treated with Lipotripsy London treatment?

Lipotripsy for legs

The legs are the most common areas that fat and cellulite tend to accumulate. If you are worried about fat or cellulite on the buttocks, thighs and calves, Lipotripsy London might be the answer. This advanced fat reduction treatment can be a great solution to help smooth out the orange peel skin and beautifully contour your legs.

Lipotripsy for arms

Many of our clients come to us asking for an effective fat and cellulite solution to treat their arms. It is not uncommon for cellulite to appear in...

Lipotripsy for stomach

Another very common area of stubborn fat is the stomach. Many women, especially after pregnancy find it hard to get rid of their excess post-pregnancy belly fat. Stubborn fat on the stomach is also one of the main concern of our male clients. As the years go by, they tend to notice more and more fat accumulating around their stomach, making it harder for them to build a desirable muscle structure, even after following a regular exercise regime.

Why have Lipotripsy London Treatment at EF Medispa

At EF MEDISPA, our Practitioners are all highly experienced in treatments such as Lipotripsy. We are a results-led clinic which puts patient safety at the very top of our priorities, so you can always rest assured that you are in capable hands.

Our highly experienced team of experts always strive to provide the most bespoke type of treatments, tailored to your own individual needs. Our friendly and knowledgeable Treatment Coordinators will make sure they listen to your concerns and assess whether Lipotripsy is the best treatment to address your condition. They will also remain close to you throughout the course to discuss your progress and ensure you receive the best possible results from your treatment.

Lipotripsy Treatment London

Step by step Lipotripsy London treatment

  1. No obligation consultation

    The first step is to book an appointment with one of our highly experienced EF MEDISPA Treatment Coordinators. Your full medical history will be taken and the treatment will be explained thoroughly. Should you decide to proceed with Lipotripsy London treatment, your next appointment with one of our specially trained Practitioners will be booked.

  2. Meet your practitioner

    When you meet your Practitioner you will have the opportunity to discuss the treatment process thoroughly and the results you are looking to achieve prior to treatment

  3. During treatment

    Lipotripsy is a non-invasive treatment with no need for anaesthetic or downtime. This revolutionary treatment involves placing a probe against the areas of concern. Through the probe radial waves are emitted to the skin increasing blood flow and triggering the fat cells to become permeable. The procedure lasts from 30 to 60 minutes and will be tailored specifically to your needs.

  4. After treatment

    There is zero downtime as this is a non-invasive cellulite reduction treatment. Your Practitioner will assess how many courses you have to have for optimum results. Usually, we recommend from 8 to 10 courses.

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Lipotripsy by T-Shape in London FAQs

What is AWT?

Acoustic Wave Therapy, is another popular name for Lipotripsy.

When can I see the results?

At EF MEDISPA we only offer bespoke treatments tailored to your own body and needs. As a result, your Treatment Coordinator and Therapist will assess your area of concern and will determine the amount of treatments that will be needed to ensure you get optimum results.

Some of our clients have seen results even from the first treatment, however, you will need to follow a full course of treatments to ensure you get to the optimum level.

Is it painful?

People’s pain threshold is different, however, most of our clients describe Lipotripsy as a vigorous massage and do not experience any pain during the treatment. Your highly trained Practitioners will make sure you are feeling comfortable throughout the treatment


Based on 324 patient reviews

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I'm completely thrilled with the result. I look, I think, subtly better and completely natural. Not years younger, but fresher, brighter and more cheerful. As promised, my jawline is tighter, my cheeks firmer, my brows more elegantly arched and even my thinning upper lip looks fuller and more upturned. Within a couple of weeks of living with my new face, it felt completely mine.

Leah Hardy

Temporal Lift

The fantastic team at the King’s Road clinic put my slight apprehension at immediate ease. They were professional, knowledgeable and provided a seamless approach to my treatment (Volite HA Boost), checking that I was comfortable throughout. Twenty minutes later and pleasing results were already visible… I’m looking forward to seeing further improvements!

Elizabeth Lee

Volite HA Boost

The Zone Out treatment was fantastic, it relaxed my mind and body, clearing my head of all that “London” stress … Victoria, the Hydrotherapist was incredibly knowledgeable and informative; above all making me feel at ease …I can’t wait to come back again!

Jennifer Burton

Zone Out Colonic Hydrotherapy

After having FemiLift, I don’t have the worrying sense of urgency to go to the toilet as much, I feel much more in control, this treatment has changed my life for the better. I am amazed how easy and comfortable the whole process has been.



I’m absolutely thrilled by the 3D SkinLift. Having two children took its toll leaving loose skin on my stomach that I couldn’t get rid of. Even from my first session with 3DSkinLift I could see noticeable difference and now after a full course I’m feeling like my old self again.


3D SkinLift by Ultraformer