facelift Give yourself a lift this spring with our top surgical, and non-surgical face lifting treatments. Whether its droopy jowls you’re suffering from, or if your skin is lacking volume as you’ve aged, we’ve got a variety of different treatments which can give you a more youthful appearance.

Surgical facelifts

Bleph 21

Bleph 21 is an advanced blepharoplasty that targets drooping eyelids and reduces dark circles and wrinkles. Using your own stem cells, it works to corrects the natural damage from ageing, resulting in rejuvenated and plump skin. Bleph 21 works very well around the eyes, helping to reduce the appearance of dark circles, along with fine lines and wrinkles.

Pinch Lift

Our Pinch Lift is a less invasive face and neck lift that will take years off your face. Pinch Lift uses an innovative microsurgery which helps to reshape the platysma muscle in the face, resulting in a younger looking appearance. It is ideal for redefining your jawline, especially if you suffer from drooping jowls as it will give you a more chiselled jaw. To find out more about our Pinch Lift, and to find out if this treatment could be suitable for you, book a consultation with one of our expert Treatment Coordinators here.


Liquid Liftfacelift

If you want the effects of a facelift without the downtime, then we recommend trying our Liquid Lift. Using a combination of Anti-Wrinkle Injectables and Dermal Filler, this revolutionary treatment works to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, as well as plumping the skin and restoring lost volume.

3D SkinLift by Ultraformer

The 3D SkinLift by Ultraformer is the perfect treatment for loose, sagging skin. Using ultrasound technology, this impressive treatment boosts fantastic lifting results. Leaving clients looking years younger after a course of treatments. Better yet, this treatment can be used on the face and the body, so no matter when your sagging skin is, it can be treated.

QuickLiftWoman receiving quick lift treatment

Our lunchtime QuickLift is the ideal treatment if you’re looking for a non-surgical facelift. Using multiple laser and light technologies, it works to increase collagen production in the skin, resulting in firmer, tighter skin with a noticeable lift.


Microfirm is a skin tightening and firming treatment that uses a combination of microneedling with radiofrequency to stimulate collagen production and encourage new cell growth. This results in skin looking plumper and firmer, leaving you with a more youthful appearance.

To find out more about our different skin tightening and lifting treatments call us today on 020 3811 2727. Or book a no-obligation consultation with one of our expert Treatment Coordinators here to discuss your concerns and treatment options.