Drip & Chill – A Stimulating Treatment With all that’s going on in the world right now and after a lengthy lockdown, it can be important to take a well-needed break after we’re plunged back into our jobs and responsibilities. This week on the EF Medispa blog, we take a look at a revolutionary form of IV Vitamin Infusion treatment which is both unique and proven to equip you with a desirable boost after a relaxing course.

What is Drip & Chill

This distinctive treatment is a personalised IV Vitamin Infusion or Intramuscular Shot of vitamins which our consultants will recommend based on how you’re feeling and your personal experiences. You may be looking to detox, up your energy levels, aid post-workout muscle recovery, strengthen your immune system or nourish your hair, skin or nails. Drip & Chill has a solution for you, and as everyone is unique, you can mix and match to get the best possible outcome for your overall wellbeing. Before your course, our consultants will establish exactly what you’re trying to achieve from your treatment and advise a unique course which will be performed by our highly-rated and experienced Nurses. During your visit to one of our clinics, our qualified Nurse will quickly establish the right blend of nutrients tailored to your body’s needs. The vitamin Infusion treatment will then be delivered either by an IV drip or injection – depending on the treatment solution.

How Will Drip & Chill Boost Your Energy?

The aim of Drip & Chill is to create a relaxing and comfortable environment to help you relax during your treatment, this is why we have built a peaceful environment where you can either fall asleep or enjoy a complimentary herbal tea. Drip & Chill – A Stimulating Treatment Drip & Chill will seamlessly boost your energy as the treatment is completely tailored to you. Before-hand our nurses will compile a list of your needs and how you feel to determine the treatment right for you.

What Types of Drip & Chill Treatments Are Available?

Our diverse collection of IV Vitamin Infusions has been formulated through years of experience with new drips created based on evolving customer needs and desires. Our original formulation, the ‘Myers’ Infusion, is what lead to the creation of the rest of the IV Vitamin Infusions. Packed to the brim with just the right mix of vitamins and nutrients, ‘Myers’ was crafted to help improve your health and endurance. Our ‘Rejuvenate’ IV Vitamin Infusion was formulated to seamlessly awaken your body via its performance-boosting composition. ‘Rejuvenate’ features energy-boosting B Vitamins and amino acids to help solve malnutrition and provide the patient with a calm but energised outcome. Drip & Chill Treatments As suggested in its name, ‘Energy’ is the IV Vitamin Infusion to take if you’re feeling run-down and sluggish. ‘Energy’ contains high levels of Vitamin B and Magnesium – vital for providing you with a much-needed energy boost. Just like our ‘Energy’ IV Vitamin Infusion, our ‘Immunity’ offering does just what its namesake represents. ‘Immunity’ is packed with Vitamin B, Zinc and many other commanding antioxidants. The ultimate mix of valuable detoxifying nutrients, our ‘Antioxidant’ IV Vitamin Infusion is formulated of Vitamin C and Glutathione. The use of this IV Vitamin Infusion will flawlessly help to stimulate the production of new collagen that will, in turn, prevent the signs of ageing. Moving onto Intramuscular Shots, our ‘B12 Shots’ treatment is packed full of vitamin B12. B12 is responsible for the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose, acting as an energy factory to deal with tiredness. On top of this, B12 is vital for maintaining a healthy digestive system, glowing skin and nourished hair and nails. The last variable on the list is our popular ‘Glutathione Shots’. To put it simply, Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that can effortlessly enhance muscle strength and improve endurance levels. Glutathione will also detoxify and repair, which will support the immunity of your cells and has significant anti-ageing benefits.

Find out more about our range of Drip & Chill IV Infusions here